Pets tune
into your mood and the longer you live with them the more sensitive this
psychic relationship becomes.
tests have been done showing that people’s blood pressure drops when their pet
enters the room (not too much obviously or we’d all be keeling over every time
Rover makes an appearance) and that pets are good for stress in general. It
would be interesting to see the reverse side of this and to discover what
effect seeing their owner has on stressed pets. My guess would be it has a
physiological effect as well as a psychological one.
my work pattern and after our morning walk and I’ve fed them they know that I
work until lunchtime in the office. They hardly ever hassle me and just get on
with whatever it is they do (in Lab ZsaZsa’s case some serious sleeping). After
lunch they know that it is time to go into the garden for an hour or so before
I begin work again. I usually stop between six and half past in the evening.
decide to forego my breaks to meet a deadline or work beyond my usual times,
then one or both dogs, but particularly Maia the younger one, will come into
the office. She sits and stares at me and if that fails to get my attention she
comes over and gives me a paw. As it’s hard to concentrate with a hairy paw in
your lap, I turn and give her some fuss. Thus she has achieved her objective
which I am sure is to make me take a break, or better still, stop work for the
The cats too know how to tell me enough is enough. Our dear departed black moggie Widget used to plonk herself on the desk in front of the computer screen when she was trying to tell me I’d worked for too long. Young kitten Jimmy now follows suit and apart from blocking the screen also plays with my iPod wires until I give in and give up!
believer in not sitting in
front of a computer for hours. Bad for your mind, body and spirit. But once you
are ‘in the zone’ it’s easy to lose track of time and my little four-legged
alarm clocks are there to ensure that I look after myself as well as looking after them.