From Calabria to California – Dino the Luckiest Dog in the World!

Dino from Calabria to California I never thought I’d be posting this when I wrote about poor Dino all those months ago, but I’m delighted to repot that our furry chum has arrived at his new home in California!Quite a journey from a pound in a little southern Italian village.

If you remember, Dino was a stray who found his way into the lives of Francis Cole and her husband, who were living in Calabria. We went through the ups and downs with them as they struggled to cope with Dino being put in the pound, diagnosed with leishmaniosis, suffering from skin problems and being kept in a farmer’s field on a chain.

Francis knew they had to leave Italy and she tried desperately hard to find Dino a home, but to no avail. I put her in touch with a Dutch lady called Marjan who is nothing short of an angel in human form, and then finally, the plan was hatched! Dino would go to the Netherlands and from there fly to the USA to live permanently with the Coles.

All this costs money of course and Francis and her husband had already spent lots of their own money on Dino. So they launched an appeal and have raised a substantial amount to cover the costs of Dino flying  to California.

The appeal is still open, so if you would like to donate and also read more about this happiest of happy stories then go to Dino’s blogspot here.

So Dino, from everyone who heard about you and who loves you, we wish you a very bright future. You are a shining beacon for the ones who aren’t so lucky.