Back in 2001 my heart was breaking. My lovely 15-year-old Doberman/GSD cross Kelly was having difficulty walking, her back legs kept collapsing and in the end she just stayed inside and I ‘wheelbarrowed’ her everywhere. We investigated doggy nappies, hoists and all sorts. The problem was that apart from the back leg issue she was in perfect health, bright eyes, shiny coat, waggy tail. She seemed alert and enjoying life apart from not being able to walk except if I helped her. In the end the issue resolved itself. My Mum in the UK broke her ankle, I had to go and stay with her for three months and sadly my beloved Kelly had to be put to sleep. I still cry about it to this day. (I’m welling up now as I type this.)
Fast forward a few years and I was at a local market in the Casentino. It’s the first time I had encountered the little local animal association Lo Scudo di Pan (Pan’s Shield). They were selling a few bits of bric a brac and stuff to raise funds. But what caught my eye was a little dog in a doggie wheelchair. He turned out to be their mascot Flippo Lippo and they found him badly injured and abandoned back in 1997. He has got along in his little wheelchair for twelve years and is the happiest little soul you could imagine.
A couple of years after that I interviewed a lady in the USA called Barbara Techel for an article I was writing. She had caught my attention because she too had a dog in a wheelchair and had written a book about him. Frankie the Walk n’ Roll Dog. He too lives a fulfilled and happy life in his wheelchair and Barbara views him as an inspiration. His motto is ‘always be positive and keep on rolling’.
Yesterday I was forwarded an email from a lady truly desperate about her paralysed dog, also a dachshund. I was able to put her in touch with Barbara and offer her some hope that if her dog turned out to be permanently disabled (the prognosis is still not clear) that he too could live a happy life.
Barbara replied to her with lots of good advice as well as a couple of links for her. I am putting them here in case any of you might have a handicapped dog and need them.
Doggie wheelchairs (USA) – Eddie’s Wheels
Information and resources on dog spinal injuries – Dodger’s List
It’s too late for Kelly, but I am pleased that I can at least now point people in the right direction, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel if you have a paralysed dog.
So glad you enjoyed it! The little boy has great spirit and wonderful guardians.
Oh Nancy, this is just wonderful! Inspirational. Thanks for the link.
Best wishes
If you’d like to watch an inspirational pup in a wheelchair, please check out the famous Nemo and a few of his adventures.