I have just had an email from my friend animal healer Margrit Coates with the wonderful news that her latest book Angel Pets is just out. Margrit is one of the world’s leading animal healers and communicators and I can’t wait to get my copy, which of course I’ll review for you here.
And the exciting news for me is that the book includes Gassie’s story! Gassie you will know is my internet rescue English setter (lying in his usual place at my feet as I type this!) and I was in touch with Margrit as I went through the decision of whether or not to go ahead with the adoption and then once I adopted him, a year ago. She said there was a ‘strong heart connection’ between us.
It is absolutely true. Gassie and I have a very special bond that I can’t explain. This was confirmed for me in spectacular style one morning a few months ago. I was asking the universe if a very strange experience I had had the day before was a real example of manifesting. Real proof that there was ‘something out there’ bigger than ourselves. As I silently asked this question, Gassie came in, shook himself and a small silver piece of paper fell on the floor. I picked it up, it was the push-through part of a pill packet, except that I have never seen those kind of pills. But what was extraordinary, in view of the question I had just asked and my relationshipwith Gassie, was that the print on the little foil disc said ANGELI – the Italian word for angels!